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Customs Card

The JSCB “SLAVIA” offers custom’s card maintenance services to clients that are engaged into foreign economic activities. The customs card is an integrated tool that optimizes existing systems of customs payments for all customs institutions of Russia. The card holds all required information that allows to participants of the foreign economic activities to make any payment to customs institutions, including:

  • Customs duties and fees;
  • Fines and penalties;
  • Pledge payments;
  • Payment to third parties and more.

Advantages of customs cards

  • Immediate payments while declaring the goods at the customs posts;
  • Absence of need for advance payments, counting overpayments and reimbursements;
  • 24 hour possibility to execute customs and advance payments;
  • Access to wide range of network accepting cards. More that 100 customs offices in Russia accept payments via customs cards.
The cards are provided to legal entities and entrepreneurs engaged in business without the status of legal entity. A single account can have as many customs cards as the client wishes.
List of documents to open a customs card:

1. Application to open the card;
2. Application to open a bank account for customs card's transactions;
3. Bank account agreement for customs cards transactions;
4. Additional agreement on withdrawal from bank account without acceptance
5. Letter of the customer to allow using samples of signatures provided to the bank
6. Rules to use the customs card
7. Tariffs for provision and maintenance of the customs card
8. Passport of the holder of the customs card